Seventh Day Slumber’s Video For Halos Online
Seventh Day Slumber’s song Halos, which is enjoying mainstream Rock radio success, has its video posted online:
Seventh Day Slumber’s song Halos, which is enjoying mainstream Rock radio success, has its video posted online:
Disciple’s new album called Skeleton Psalms releases on April 28th. Skeleton Psalms features the new single called The Executioner, a savage new track that is heavy enough to also play on The Implosion. UPDATE: Tooth and Nail Records record rep Lauren Sieh confirms that the album WILL also come out on vinyl. Sieh says the vinyl will not be released until 1-2 months after the official release date in late April. CCM Magazine just published this story on the band:
Chaotic Resemblance is bringing some muted chaos to Deutschland (January 19-29)! The band is doing an acoustic tour of Germany. They flew out today and the tour starts Thursday in Dierdorf and then Friday they play in Neunkhausen; Saturday in Remchingen, Sunday in Konstanz, Monday in Erfurt, Tuesday in Miehlen, Wednesday in Hagen, private shows next Thursday through Saturday in Wilnsdorf, and the tour wraps up on Sunday January 29th in Siegen.
Holy Name’s self-titled debut album has just been released on Facedown Records. HolyName is composed of Tommy Green of Sleeping Giant and Joe Holt and features guest vocals from Brook Reeves of Impending Doom, Eric Gregson of xDeathstarx, Joe Advent, Danon Saylor of Nothing Left, Ryan Clark of Demon Hunter, and Mike Felker of Convictions. Their single Creed is in current rotation on The Blast and The Implosion.
Pictured above is a preview of current progress on the 2023 major upgrade of TheBlast.FM Android and iOS app.
Here is a preview of the current progress to the top part of the 2023 major upgrade to the TheBlast.FM Android and IOS app.
TheBlast.FM app is getting a MAJOR upgrade to its Android and iOS apps.
The apps will soon be compatible with Apple Carplay and Android Auto, which means the full dash experience will be available in the dash!
You will be able to see what is playing on TheBlast.FM stations in the dash…and not have to look at your phone for metadata!
And there will be other extra add-ons that we don’t have now.
But this major update isn’t free. Our app developer is upgrading TheBlast.FM app for Android and iOS for $5,000.
Like we did with the Roku app weeks ago, we said yes to the work before the funds were raised because we know we can count on TheBlast.FM donors to fund this important project, just like you did with the Roku app upgrade.
So…who wants to help pay for this upgrade???
Are there five of you called to give $1,000 each? Are there two of you called to give $2,500? Or is somebody called to give the whole $5k? Or maybe a whole bunch of you are called to give $100-$500 to fund this.
Whatever the case may be…
You can make your donation here:
Thank you!
And by the way, regarding TheBlast.FM Roku app, if it is not working on your device, you need to uninstall and re-install from the new app store. If you have a Roku TV and you already had TheBlast.FM app downloaded, it will automatically update to the new app.
Nate Parrish is opening up for mainstream alternative rock band Trapt on January 15th. Trapt has been around since 1995, long enough ago to have a MySpace account!
Parrish, is solo artist with a couple of songs on The Blast, including his new single Attention Junkies.
Parrish is also guitarist for Kutless and he played for Worth Dying For and Kingdom, bands that we play on The Blast Blender.
Kutless…which has come back to the Christian Rock world after veering off into CCM territory…has a show on March 24th in Bozeman, Montana.
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P.O. Box 1076
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