Tag Archive for: The Blast FM

Manafest f Redlight King “Save You” Lyric Video Posted

The lyric video for Manafest x Redlight King Save You is now on the interwebs:  https://www.facebook.com/manafest/videos/275894777252417/

Keep in mind that for most of our songs*, the lyrics display in our HTML5 players on our website and in most of our apps as the song plays.

*If we have the lyrics for a given song, we display them.

TheBlast.FM New Console Helps Improve In-Studio DJ Sound

Thanks to a generous one time monetary donation, TheBlast.FM was able to replace its aging (and failing) studio mixer with our first ever broadcast console.   It’s brand new, it’s small, simple, functional, and beautiful.  And it sounds fantastic.

It is made by Arrakis, which is a pillar in the broadcast industry.

The Colin Cruz radio show instantly sounds better.  The price tag was a bit over $700 with shipping and tax.  We are so grateful that as God guides, God provides.  And God is using you to help fund ministry as we reach people all over the globe with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through radical, aggressive Christian music!

We haven’t forgotten about the encoders we talked about.  We haven’t had time to implement that, as we are catching up on some other urgent projects, but those are still in the works.

If you feel led to donate to The Blast Ministries, Inc, you can go here:  https://www.theblast.fm/home/donations/

Thank you!

No B-Sides Songs Will Play At Disciple’s Horseshoes & Hand Grenades Online Concert

It’s pure greed on our part at TheBlast.FM.  Our own Colin Cruz just asked Disciple lead singer Kevin Young if the band will be playing any of the B-Sides songs at their online concert on Saturday January 23rd.

The B-Sides, you ask?

Yeah.  Remember?  That Disciple album that came out 10 years ago called Horseshoes & Hand Grenades…also had some digital add-on songs that didn’t make the main record.

It was called Horseshoes & Hand Grenades B-Sides.   And it had some fabulous songs on it that we have Blasted over the years:  namely The FuryComedy TragedyDisasterpiece, and Watch It Burn.

And the answer is?   No.

Young reminds us that they are playing the entire (main) Horseshoes & Hand Grenades album from front to back, plus playing two new songs, including The Blast hit Darkness Dies.    

Those two songs plus the 12 on Horseshoes & Hand Grenades makes 14, and Young says he can only handle 14 songs a night.

Fair enough.  It was worth asking.   Inquiring minds wanted to know.

Love And Death To Do Online Concert on Friday February 12, 2021

Love And Death is joining the online concert fray, with a show of their own on Friday February 12th!

It’s been a long time, and Love And Death fans are eager to finally see the band in concert again.

The Blast was the first Christian Rock Radio station to jump on to the new song Down, on November 14, 2020.

To find out more info about the show, go to http://LoveAndDeath.Veeps.com


The Blastification Shop Teepublic Sale Tonight ONLY!

You can save a bundle of money TONIGHT in the Teepublic secion of The Blastification Shop.

Shop for swag for your favorite station:  The Blast; The Blast Blender; The Implosion; or The Blastozoic Era.

We have 8 colors and 8 sizes to choose from: short and long sleeved t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, coffee mugs, onesies, etc.

Go to The Blastifcation Shop and click on the Teepublic link.

Or just click  here:  https://www.teepublic.com/user/theblastfm



Disciple Postpones Online Concert And Multiplies…

Disciple has postponed their second online concert until Saturday January 23, 2021, due to someone in one of the bands’ households testing positive for Covid-19.

In other group news, Disciple has multiplied into two bands.  The second band is Honor & Glory , the name for the new worship arm of the band.

Disciple says this about their offshoot band Honor & Glory:  Where the mission of Disciple is to reach the unreachable, the vision of Honor & Glory is to create a musical atmosphere where hearts, minds, souls, and voices center on the greatness and wonders of our amazing God through worship.

The debut album from Honor & Glory drops on BEC Records in 2021.

Disciple/Kevin Young Dominating The Top Of The CMW Christian Rock Chart

Talk about chart dominance!

Not only is Disciple’s song Darkness Dies atop TheBlast.FM chart this week…it is #1 nationally again this week on the Christian Music Weekly chart…AND…Behold The Beloved Come Alive (featuring Kevin Young–of Disciple) is # 2!

Christian Music Weekly (CMW) is a free online publication.  The Blast reports to the CMW Rock Chart.   You can read more and subscribe here:  http://christianmusicweekly.com/

In 10 days, Disciple does their second online concert…performing the entirety of the Horseshoes And Hand Grenades album (to commemorate its 10th anniversary).   They will also perform Darkness Dies for the first time in front of an audience.  You can purchase tickets here:  https://www.itickets.com/events/449963


Spoken Interview Friday at 2 PM USA/CAN/MEX Central Time

Friday, The Blast’s Colin Cruz chats with Spoken lead singer Matt Baird about some of their recent songs; their next album; the possible inclusion of a re-worked old song on the new album; about the impact of Covid-19, and about guitarist JR Bareis.  It’s in the 2 PM Hour, in the USA/Canadian/Mexican Central Time Zone.  To compare that to when it is in your time zone, use this page:  https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/